De Omni Scribili

Scribblings Of Ed Wiebe


Gluten-free crêpes are non-trivial. With modern GF Flour blends these work well.

3    cups    milk
2            eggs
2    cups    flour

1) Beat the eggs, add the milk, mix well.
2) Blend in the flour -- do not overmix as this 
   makes the crêpes tougher. The batter should 
   be very runny and smooth.

3) Fry em in a hot pan!  
   (I hate to say it but lots of butter or 
   margarine in the pan makes better crêpes 
   but -- oh so bad for you!)

   Eat them with real maple syrup or make a 
   savoury filling with onion, celery, herbs,
   stewed tomatoes and cheese, and roll them up.  
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